Two Tellus Zine Editorial Board members participating in a podcast with Elementz

Tellus Zine is a digital and print publication through Kennedy Heights Arts Center in Cincinnati, OH. Since beginning in 2019 Tellus has created four issues of the zine. The zine is led by an all-youth editorial board, showcasing visual art and creative writing by young adults from across Greater Cincinnati.

Tellus’s mission is to provide a platform for young people to express themselves bravely and creatively as a part of our diverse community.

To have the opportunity to spend time with a group of creative teens while putting together a zine, which means so much to all of us, has allowed me to be much more open. Instead of being afraid to share my opinion, I now feel free to share what I think because I know that, in this creative environment, I will not be judged.
— Tellus editorial board member

The zine was developed as an off-shoot of Kennedy Heights Arts Center’s Teen Artists for Change program. Tellus is a Latin word meaning “Earth” and also can be broken down into the invitation: “Tell us!” The students selected the name for their publication because of this double meaning.

Young artists ages 13-18 are invited to creatively explore and express the topics and issues that matter to them through drawing, painting, photography, video, animation, music, and writing (both creative and nonfiction). Selected works will be featured in our online zine.

The Tellus Zine Editorial Board consists of up to 15 diverse high school students selected from applicants located across Greater Cincinnati. The board meets monthly to develop the zine, review submissions, and plan events. They also work on their creative projects and learn about editorial skills and different art forms through field trips to artist studios and zine and art book fairs.


A zine is a publication that is typically produced without the goal of making a profit. Zines are made out of a need for expression or a desire to communicate ideas. Some zines are poetry or prose, some are cartoons, photographs, or collages. 

Some zines may be professionally printed, while others were run through the photo copier. Either way, they're a beautiful canvas for the expression of the creator.


Tellus Zine is supported by Kennedy Heights Arts Center, the Dater Foundation, ArtsWave, and the Ohio Arts Council.

The Editorial Board's activities are facilitated by Kennedy Heights Arts Center's Director of Arts Education, Asha White and Co-directed by After School Program Coordinator, Shawndale Thomas.
Issue 01 was also co-facilitated by Brittany Vernon, Bethany Pelle, and Rachael Banks, Issue 02 was co-facilitated by Bethany Pelle and Brandon Parker, Issue 03 Bethany Pelle, and Issue 04 was facilitated by Sarah Rodriguez.