BEHIND THE SCENES: Summer Preparations for Tellus 2023-2024!

Tellus Zine’s 4.5 issue will be released in fall 2023, but preparations to recruit a new editorial board and begin planning for our fifth year have already begun! Take a look at some of the work Tellus members are doing over the summer to hit the ground running in the fall!

Tellus is going to have a busy September as Editorial Board Applications close and interviews begin. In September, Tellus will also be a part of Zinecinnati and the Cincinnati Art Book Fair on back-to-back weekends (wow!). And how can we forget about the amazing Tellus Retreat that will happen at the end of the month where our new editorial board members will get a chance to meet, participate in many fun activities, and start brainstorming what the theme will be for the fifth issue of the zine.

We have also been hard at work redesigning our website for this upcoming year!

And, how can we forget about our Instagram page @tellus_zine! Follow us to keep up with all the exciting things coming up for Tellus this year!

Oh, and here’s a sneak peak at a preliminary design of the zine Tellus is creating in partnership with the Cincinnati Museum Center! More information on this will be coming in the fall!

To see more behind the scenes content of Tellus Zine, make sure to follow @tellus_zine on Instagram and sign up for our newsletter!

Tellus Zine